Enniskillen Rangers FC Code of Conduct
Enniskillen Rangers FC has the following Codes of Conduct in place within the youth section of the club: Players Code of Conduct, Code of Conduct for Parent/ Guardian & Code of Conduct Spectators. Within these are the expectations and the behaviours, the club expects from all those associated with Enniskillen Rangers FC. All Codes of Conduct must be agreed and adhered to at all times by the relevant persons. These can also be found on the club website under 'Club Policies'
Players Code of Conduct
As a player, you have a big part to play. That’s why Enniskillen Rangers FC is asking every player to follow a Code of Conduct. As a player for Enniskillen Rangers FC, you will:
Play fairly – I won’t cheat, complain or waste time.
Respect my team-mates, the other team, the referee or my coach/manager.
Play by the rules, as directed by the referee.
Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game regardless of the result.
Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me.
Talk to someone I trust or the Club Child Protection Officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club.
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by the club:
I may:
Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager
Have a discussion about my behaviour with my coach and my parent/ guardian
Receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee
Be dropped or substituted
Be suspended for a time from training
Be required to leave the club.
Code of Conduct for Parents/ Guardian
Parents/ Guardians are expected to:
Complete player registration forms appropriate to their chid/children's participation with Enniskillen Rangers FC.
Detail any health concerns relating to the child on the relevant forms. Any changes to a child's health should be reported in writing (text message and/or social Media messages are acceptable) to the relevant coach in a timely manner.
Parents/ Guardians should be aware that our Club grounds including all club facilities, car park and stands are non smoking apart from those designated areas. Parents/ Guardians should also refrain drinking alcohol while within club grounds.
Deliver/collect the child/children punctually to and from training/ matches and club events. While also informing the team manager and/or Youth Secretary if running late or alternative pick up arrangements are required. i.e. if a child has to be collected early than the scheduled finishing time.
Under NO circumstances are Parents/ Guardians to approach a match official post-game about an 'incident' that happened during play.
Behave responsibly during all training/ matches and events. Provide 'encouragement' and 'appreciation' but 'coaching' or the giving of instructions is forbidden. Also the use of foul and/or abusive language at any time is also forbidden.
Parents/ Guardians should demonstrate the same personal values that Enniskillen Rangers FC are displaying and stand for- namely;
RESPECT for facilities, teammates, club officials, match officials, opposing teams and the sport as a whole.
DIGNITY in victory and defeat.
APPRECIATION for all involved in the sport. This includes all players, club officials, match officials and other Parents/ Guardians. Many volunteers dedicate countless hours to help organise local football- a small word of thanks or appreciation goes a long way.
Adhere to any and all league or competition's rules and Codes of Conduct
Ensure your child has fun playing the sport.
Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in the following sanctions:​
Formal warning by Club Official
Ejection from training/match/event
A ban of attending all club training, matches/events of a fixed duration for the individual/s.
Your child being asked not to return to the club
Please complete Agreement below to show that you ​have read and agree to this Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct for Spectators
Spectators should be aware that our Club grounds including all club facilities, car park and stands are non smoking apart from those designated areas. Parents/ Guardians should also refrain drinking alcohol while within club grounds.
Under NO circumstances are spectators to approach a match official post-game about an 'incident' that happened during play.
Behave responsibly during all training/ matches and events. Provide 'encouragement' and 'appreciation' but 'coaching' or the giving of instructions is forbidden. Also the use of foul and/or abusive language at any time is also forbidden.
Spectators should demonstrate the same personal values that Enniskillen Rangers FC are displaying and stand for- namely;
RESPECT for facilities, teammates, club officials, match officials, opposing teams and the sport as a whole.
DIGNITY in victory and defeat.
APPRECIATION for all involved in the sport. This includes all players, club officials, match officials and other spectators. Many volunteers dedicate countless hours to help organise local football- a small word of thanks or appreciation goes a long way.
Adhere to any and all league or competition's rules and Codes of Conduct.
Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in the following sanctions:​
Formal warning by Club Official.
Ejection from training/match/event.
A ban of attending all club training, matches/events of a fixed duration for the individual/s.
A lifetime ban from the Club's grounds, facilities and all events.
Please complete Agreement below to show that you ​have read and agree to this Code of Conduct.